Wednesday, September 26, 2007

31 Flavorite Authors for Teens

YALSA and Readergirlz are doing a very cool program throughout the month of October. They are hosting online discussions with YA authors every night. I put info up on the website about 31 Flavorites . They are having some big name authors including Ann Brashares, Chris Crutcher, Meg Cabot and Stephanie Meyer on Halloween! Alyson

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reaching out to teens online

OK-So maybe I've just been in library school too long but I just love to read library articles and stay up on the latest. This article was just shared on the C'YAAL ( Colorado Young Adult Advocates in Libraries) listserv about online marketing to teens.

While the article is dealing with how authors and publishers are trying (and sometimes succeeding quite nicely, thank you very much) in reaching teens online, it makes me think about how we can apply the same kinds of practices. What do you think?

Friday, September 21, 2007 for Teens

I set up the account for teens:
Pam B. and Kris are part of the team, so will be entering onto the site. If anyone else would like to add, please contact Alyson for the password. We are mainly going to be using it for Homework and Research and for Books and Reading. By not entering too much games, music, trivia... the tag cloud will really direct kids to good reference sites. Once plenty is entered and bundled we will put the tag cloud up on the teen website.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Get Radi-CAL

If you are interested in attending CAL this year, here is some more information on what will be going on. I want to especially recommend the Preconference on Youth Participation @ Your Library: Putting into Practice presented by a new friend I made at ALA, Diane Tuccillo. Diane recently moved to Fort Collins and just started as a Teen Librarian there. She is a published author of books on teen services and has taught online college courses on the subject.

If you're interested, check with your supervisor and get a paper form to register as well as submitting a Continuing Education Form and then get ready to get Radi-CAL!



One of the reasons for this Teen Services blog is for it to serve as a resource on teen services for ALD Staff. That's why on the right of the page, you will find links to selected web sites. The first set of links are to ALD related sites. One that you will see there is the ALD social bookmarking site. I just read an interesting article about how libraries are using which you can view here. It's a little long but it is a very complee article if you would like to get a better understanding of what social bookmarking and tools like are all about. Looks like we are on the right track with trying this!

I encourage you to check out the other links and if you have any suggestions on ones to add, please let us know!
