Thursday, January 24, 2008

Learning Styles

Ok, we've all heard about learning styles, but have you ever taken an assessment survey? Take this survey at, and glean an understanding about yourself, your own kids, or the teens you work with. One of my daughters is very much like me, and one is not - this helps me remember that she doesn't learn like I do. Will you find out that the survey accurately identifies you, or will you learn something new about yourself?

1 comment:

nuclear.kelly said...

I've taken this learning styles quiz and, though I was not surprised at the result, wanted to apply it to the rest of my department. There is quite a bit of buzz regarding "new" teaching styles - hands-on, demonstration, non-lecture formats - but we risk swinging too far from the traditional style and thus neglecting those students who best learn by being lectured. The fact that there can be such a distribution in learning styles indicates that a wide range of teaching styles is appropriate.